12. Materials Science - basis of technical work ( -) 1679
12.1 Three fundamental questions of materials science (*) 1681
12.2 The deformation energy (-) 1689
12.3 Linear-visko-elastische Materialien (-) 1699
12.4 Non-linear materials behaviour (-) 1709
12.5 The states of aggregation solid/liquid/gaseous (*) 1721
12.6 Application-oriented classification of raw materials (-) 1725
12.7 The multiphase concept of raw materials (-) 1734
12.8 Type-1 engineering raw materials (-) 1744
12.9 Type-2 engineering raw materials (composites) (-) 1754
12.10 Contrasting juxtaposition of these classes of materials 1774
12.11 Profiling and machining (-) 1774
12.12 Adhesion, friction and wear (*) 1780
12.13 Materials science methods of material characterisation (-) 1786
12.14 Tipps, tricks and specialities (-/-) 1792
12.15 Exercises (-/-) 1795
12.16 Numerical values (-/-) 1796
12.17 Literature (-) 1797
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